About SurgeonJourney

Why another financial blog?

The medical profession is unique. It’s exhausting and humbling – simultaneously thrilling and extraordinary. This blog is an attempt to share the story of a general surgery resident and her spouse journeying through residency, fellowship, and life after training, with a particular focus on finances.

There are a lot of resources out there for more established physicians about finances and medicine that are quite wonderful, however they tend to gloss over some of the more critical decision points that are particularly pertinent for general surgery residents.

I’ve been intrigued by the idea of FI, or Financial Independence – the goal of saving & investing enough income in order to work (or do something else) because you want to, not because you have to. Though I think more than anything, I’ve spent hours and hours researching the best way to manage medical school student loans and thought it helpful to share what I’ve learned.

Given that the Surgeon in this relationship is a little strapped for time – I, the SurgeonSpouse ™, am excited and humbled to have you along for the ride, if you stumble across this little blog – feel free to drop a note!


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