Resources for Managing Finances and Life Advice

It’s hard for anyone to get where they are without some help and guidance. With today’s resources available view the world wide interwebs, there’s never a better time to educate yourself about personal finance and student loans. The financial advice you might be seeking also likely ends up going along with some sage life advice – good gems to collect along the way.

I’ve Googled and searched more terms than I can count and stumbled upon these blogs and sites that I’ve found incredibly helpful while navigating med school loans for my spouse and researching different investment portfolios and tax strategies.

Without further ado, here’s the list of blogs I check at least weekly for new content, and have used their posts countless of times for research.

Mr. Money Mustache

One of the first FIRE bloggers I discovered – I started reading and talking about Mr. Money Mustache with colleagues when I worked at a startup a few years ago. MMM started out in software, similar to my own profession, and has now “retired” and pursues his own interests, many of which are quite lucrative.

While MMM’s frugalness takes it to the next level, it’s a great way to think about how your own life decisions affect your ability save and retire. I thought his post about commuting was particularly sobering.

The White Coat Investor

After I had been reading MMM, I started looking for more specific advice for those in the medical field. The White Coat Investor is an excellent resource for investing for more established physicians. Additionally, WCI also some great content regarding student loans and physician mortgages. Check it out!

Physician on FIRE

An anesthesiologist in the midwest, this blog is particularly focused on leveraging a high income profession to FIRE – financial independence and retire early. He has some great posts regarding investment portfolios, traveling, and how to successfully execute the back door ROTH contribution. With new posts all the time, I check out PoF nearly weekly for updates!

I’ll credit the above for helping navigate through decisions for med school loans and how to successfully stay on course for PSLF – Because there isn’t one great resource for medical students and early residents to use for financial decisions and PSLF, check out my guide to loans and PSLF!

There’s so much great content available on the web, leave a comment with your favorite resources and posts!


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